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Genre: Wheel of fortune "card" game

Team Size: Just me : )
Engine: Unity

Platforms: PC


Ace was a project born from the desire to implement all my skills in a single project and as a personal challenge to learn new ones. Every resource and every code in the game was made by me.

It is the prototype of an arcade videogame whose protagonist, Ace, a young bounty hunter woman, has the objective to eliminate "Bosses". These targets are located inside dungeons. In order to reach them you have to deal with all their henchmen.

It's a very simple prototype (there is only one opponent) in which you have to spin the revolver drum. When the drum stops, the top-most bullet will be shot. Each bullet will have different effects (could be both negative or positive). To the moment there is no possibility to stop the rotation of the drum at a precise moment in order to try to obtain the desired bullet. Without this deterministic element, the gameplay for now is completely random.

You can download the game at the bottom of this page. 

Ace Project

7 / 8 /2019


For the setting, I took inspiration from abandoned places, inspired by real places, such as Chernobyl, and post-apocalyptic settings, and so I created a decadent environment in a realistic world set in the future.


Ace revolver

Possibles objectives

In the future I would like to continue developing this project by adding features including a lot of new types of bullets so as to allow the player to build his own bullets arsenal, therefore designing the game as a deck builder in which the cards are replaced by bullets.

The player will have the opportunity to extract three bullets of which he can keep one. It will also have the ability to remove a bullet from the spinning drum, thus eliminating a bullet with negative or unwanted effects (at that particular moment). Another item that I'm going to add is a dungeon map similar to that of "Darkest Dungeon". I would also like to add a mechanic regarding the possibility of avoiding fights with henchmen through a very simple stealth system. There will be a phase before the fight in which there will be the possibility to spin the drum in which there will be only 2 types of bullets (success and failure) that will determine the result of the stealth phase. If successful, combat will be completely avoided. Otherwise an "alarm" will be triggered and the henchman must be fought. Once you reach the Boss at the end of the dungeon, he will receive a bonus based on the number of "alarms" activated during the exploration of the dungeon. The greater the bonus, the greater the number of bullets with negative effects in the ACE "deck".

Ace character design


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